The people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, being a calm and rational people, worthy and capable of self-government, hereby assert their right to such self-government.
a. Hence, the United States Supreme Court and all inferior federal courts are deprived of any subject-matter jurisdiction in matters pertinent to abortion, to marriage, to gun ownership, to political contributions. In each of these areas, broadly construed, the citizens of Pennsylvania shall be exclusively vested with the jurisdiction to fully and finally allow or disallow, permit or deny, condition or control, every aspect of such activities within the borders of Pennsylvania, without being subject to rulings of the United States Supreme Court or any inferior federal court with respect to such subject matter. Federal rulings or writ which may arise or run in other jurisdictions shall not be of effect within the borders of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, except to the extent recognized by Pennsylvania courts. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania shall continue to accord, to the extent practicable as determined by Pennsylvania courts, full faith and credit to judgments arising out of other jurisdictions with respect to the aforesaid subject matter.
b. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania recognizes the separation of church and state. Pennsylvania also recognizes religious belief as good and necessary in the life of her citizens. The foundation of political life is morality, and the foundation of morality necessarily includes religious belief. Religious practice and belief, including public discussions about the will of God, prayer in public school or public places or official gatherings, the posting of the Ten Commandments, etc. shall never be banished from public life or found prohibited by the United States Constitution in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania rejects ruling or argument to the effect that public or official religious prayer, activities, displays, etc. are inimical to public life or the rights of any of her citizens. The appropriate way to safeguard minority religious rights is not to silence the religious speech or activity of every other Pennsylvania citizen. Pennsylvania courts shall have plenary jurisdiction to safeguard minority religious belief and practice within the state, and their rulings shall not be vacated or superseded by the ruling of the United States Supreme Court or any inferior federal court. By way of example, not limitation, school prayer may be instituted and maintained in the public schools of Pennsylvania, if found permissible by Pennsylvania courts under the guiding principles of Pennsylvania’s Constitution.
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